
Cheryn Smilen, of Smilen Cats, Arrested for Starving 30 Cats to Death

This blog is updated on a daily basis THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION IS PUBLIC RECORD, IF YOU ARE A MEMBER OF THE MEDIA THEN FEEL FREE TO USE ANY OF THE CONTENT OF MY BLOG FOR YOUR NEEDS UPDATE:  CHERYN SMILEN  WAS SENTENCED TO 364 DAYS IN JAIL IN THE METRO-WEST WOMEN'S FACILITY! UPDATE:  CHERYN SMILEN  WAS SENTENCED TO 364 DAYS IN JAIL IN THE METRO-WEST WOMEN'S FACILITY! CHERYN ROCHELLE SMILEN arrested on February 16, 2018 for ANIMAL CRUELTY  MIAMI DADE COURT CASE: F-18-003300 Cheryn was released on an $18,000 bond Cheryn locked and abandoned over 30 cats in a small efficiency with no air, no food, and no water for months until 18 of the cats died from agonizing and from a horrific starvation death. The place was filled with feces and urine. The 10 cats who were alive were emaciated and eating the dead remains of the 18 cats. The survivors are currently being hospitalized and treated at the vet, however m...